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Active Together: Elaine's experience

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Emma Jacob


“The surgeon warned me before I went in that I would be in intensive care for at least a week after my operation and I wasn’t, I was in overnight and that was it. He couldn’t believe it, the surgeon was really impressed.”

Elaine and John sat on their sofa at home, smiling at the camera

Elaine, 79, from Intake in Sheffield has been taking part in the Active Together service after she was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

The service, funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research, provides cancer patients with tailored guidance on exercise, nutritional advice, and psychological and emotional support before, during and after treatment.

Elaine explained how she discovered she had cancer: “We were on holiday when I went to the toilet and just saw a little bit of blood and I thought I’ve got a haemorrhoid, so I waited a week nothing happened, and then I saw another little bit.”

Elaine’s husband, John, encouraged her to request a bowel check and she explained that within a week she had an appointment for a colonoscopy.

“Then they told me then and there that I had cancer. It was just a hell of a shock to me because I’d really thought I just had a haemorrhoid."

“There’s always been somebody with me and they’ve always been attentive towards me and to be honest they got me through the operation because they really improved my movement.”

Elaine was scheduled to have surgery and was referred to Active Together to help her prepare.

Elaine's first appointment with the Active Together team included some simple tests to establish her physical strength. Following her assessment, Elaine was offered one-to-one appointments with a physiotherapist.

She explained: “There’s always been somebody with me and they’ve always been attentive towards me and to be honest they got me through the operation because they really improved my movement.”

Each patient has the opportunity to work with staff and design a plan for their care including exercises to do at home. The plan is designed to help patients recover from their treatment sooner and build up strength afterwards.

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Elaine’s plan was specifically designed to improve the mobility in her legs and included cardiovascular and pelvic floor exercises. She explained how her husband has been getting involved too:

“He used to nag me everyday to do the exercises and joined in when he could. I’ve never missed a day. I thought they would be easy but I was really feeling it the next day.”

The Active Together service also offers dietary support and help with psychological wellbeing.

Elaine explained: “I’ve lost four stone over the last year and that has reversed my diabetes, so I’m no longer diabetic."

"I saw a dietitian during my last visit to Active Together and she gave me a few hints and advice about my diet. The service has been helpful the whole way through my treatment.”

Elaine has now finished her cancer treatment but has continued to receive support from the Active Together team to support her recovery.

Read more about Active Together

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